
Wan Bang Lo

February 11, 1942 - September 21, 2020
Sunset View Mortuary
Wednesday 9/30, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Sunset View Cemetery Association
(510) 525-5111 |
Wednesday 9/30, 11:30 am

Graveside Service

Sunset View Cemetery Association
(510) 525-5111 |
Wednesday 9/30, 11:30 am

Graveside Service

Wan peacefully left this world on September 21, 2020 at 3:45 pm at the young age of 78 with his wife and children at his bedside after having a massive stroke on the afternoon of September 19. He studied Agricultural Chemistry at National Taiwan University, graduating in 1964. He arrived in the United States inContinue Reading

Plant a tree in memory of Wan
An environmentally friendly option.
Chia-Sheng Tao left a message on September 30, 2020:
陶嘉勝 left a message on September 30, 2020:
祝乾哥一路好走,他一生也稱得上多采多姿幸福美滿了! 弟 嘉勝敬上
Wanyu Lo(羅萬右) left a message on September 30, 2020:
唯明嫂:感謝妳多年來對邦哥的付出,你們家庭幸福圓滿,正是眾人羨慕時候,上天開了一個 玩笑,接他去了!Why?可以回來嗎?盼望妳活在對她的愛與懷念中。
Wanyu Lo(羅萬右) left a message on September 30, 2020:
邦哥:從小就是我學習的偶像,走得太突然,少了可以討論事情的兄長,這種莫然難以形容,天家再敘 ,萬右。
Cheng L Liao left a message on September 30, 2020:
Dear Wanbang, My dear college classmate, dorm mate, and lab mate, I’m honored to have the privilege to share our important part of our life journey together. You have led a life worthy of a great celebration. Cheng L Liao
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Ching-Kuo Chen 陳慶國 left a message on September 30, 2020:
羅鴨, 不知道還有多少同學,記得用這樣的綽號稱呼你。這樣叫你,我依然覺得親切。初一到初三,三年來我們一起生活,一起學習,情同手足。畢業後我們各奔西東,直到1969年在Atlanta匆匆的見了一面. 再見面時,我們已是花甲之年了。那是2013年,我去New Jersey找你,初見面時,依昔還能看出你當年的模樣。長高了,過不久,以前的模樣就都回來了。 ,當時有説不完的話。短暫的几個小時,把50多年來發生過的事,簡單的互相述說一下。嫂夫人盛情招待,走時真是依依不捨。 在2014年你同嫂夫人把家搬到了灣區,我心裏很是高興。心想以後可以常見面。因為我常去灣區看望父親,見面的機會就多些。不久你同嫂夫人及同學,甘漢鑌夫婦及莊昭雄一起來看望家父。聽家父說起當年台糖公司及伯父的往事,勾起了我們當年求學的美好回憶。當我接到我妹妹陳慶洲24號打來的電話,説從孔祥霖那兒得到你過世的消息,我震驚了好久說不上話來。不敢相信這是真的。後來打電話給嫂夫人,知道了原因。心中有很多的不捨,心中稍有的安慰就是你走的沒有痛苦。這幾天何和(我太太)也把你的消息告訴了我們南光中學的同學。大家都有無限的思念及感慨。 明天就是你同我們分別的日子,不能親自去替你送行,只有在南加州的家裡,遙祝你一路走好。我們會想念你的。 猴子(陳慶國)敬上
Amy Lee left a message on September 29, 2020:
In memory of Wan Bang Lo, Amy Lee lit a candle
Amy Lee left a message on September 29, 2020:
I am at loss of my dear brother-in- law ---gone from view , not from heart. " Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die " John 11: 26
Amy Lee left a message on September 29, 2020:
I am at loss of my dear brother-in-law ----gone from view , not from heart. " Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die " John 11:26
曾劍勲,龎艾齡 和家翔,嘉欣一家 left a message on September 28, 2020:
丁唯明,聼到羅醫生去逝的消息甚為吃驚。多年好友極為不捨。羅醫生您安息吧!還請妳多保重為要。 願上帝保佑妳和家人。
Wanchung Lo left a message on September 28, 2020:
三嫂:驚聞三哥離開的消息,心裡有萬般地不捨,更何況是家中至親。三哥隻身赴美,與三嫂聯姻,共同在異國打拼,從無到有,成就非凡,人生精彩,我們兄弟以您們為榮!三哥未受病痛折磨安然離去,要感謝主的恩賜,現在已在主的懷裡寧靜的安息!尚祈活著的世人,節哀順變,好好生活。弟萬中、秀玉 敬輓
萬中 left a message on September 28, 2020:
萬邦三哥:您隻身赴美,以堅忍毅力,在異國闖蕩江湖,從無到有,成就矚目,人生精彩,我們羅家以您這位兄長為榮!世間一切煙消雲散,祝您在天國主耶穌基督懷裡好好安息!弟萬中 弟媳秀玉 敬輓
Joseph and Lisa Liu left a message on September 28, 2020:
萬邦兄榮歸主懷!相識經年雖甚有不捨,但我也為您能在天堂中享受永福而喜悅. 我們會永遠珍惜及懷念彼此間的友情及美好回憶.
Gordon and Elaine Lee ( 李耀宗,虞錦玉) left a message on September 27, 2020:
近四十年來与羅萬邦,丁唯明結為好朋友是緣,是福份,萬邦兄聰明,能幹且幽默,與他在一起特別軽鬆快樂。 記得在 Cherry Hill, 我們四人经常一起外出吃飯,聊天,一起打羽毛球又经常一起外出旅遊,在 2016及2017 年,他們從CA 回到東部來,我們四人便坐飛機坐火車到加拿大的多倫多及 Province, RI 去旅遊,當時那一幕幕,欢笑,軽鬆漫步加上萬邦兄的幽默还有唯明一路的精心策劃,使得旅遊輕鬆自在,但今天驚嚇的沒想到 2017 的相聚竟成了永別,心裡的難過痛心不能言語。 由於在这疫情特別的時候,我們很抱歉無法前去 CA 送萬邦兄最後一程,別了萬邦兄, 願您永遠安息在主的身旁。 萬邦,唯明兄嫂感情深厚,祈盼唯明能節哀順變,勇敢的早日脫離最親爱人離去的痛苦,珍惜自己,保重。 耀宗,錦玉 敬上 (Gordon and Elaine Lee)
龔國雄,陶嘉美 left a message on September 27, 2020:
大嫂,妳好, 驚聞羅哥哥突然的離開我們,我們都很難過與不捨,但也為羅哥哥沒有痛苦,沒有害怕的被主接回天家而感謝神的恩典與慈愛,使我們心中稍感安慰。 求主憐憫保守,親自安慰大嫂,孩子,與家人,朋友。我們盼望有一天能在天家與羅哥哥,和其他許許多多我們所親愛的家人,朋友相聚❤️ 愛妳的主內姐妹❤️❤️❤️ 國雄,嘉美敬上
Yan Luo left a message on September 27, 2020:
Dear Uncle, It’s hard for me to believe that you left us forever. Two weeks ago you called us, and we chatted about the wildfire in California, flooding in Chengdu... You even shared the strategy that you used in the stock market with Tom. We had quite a few good laughs together. Uncle, I still remember the first time we met in Chengdu in 1988 when you accompanied the grandparents to visit China. I still remember the warm smile on your face when you entered the door. We shared so many precious moments in the past 30 years: our gatherings at New Jersey, Florida, Rhode Island, Washington DC, Great Smoky Mountains, and San Francisco. They are carved in my memory and will be cherished forever. You are greatly respected and loved by us all. Rest In Peace, Yan Luo
Andrew Lo left a message on September 27, 2020:
Uncle will be missed dearly. He was a big part of our lives growing up. Sending all our love!
Peter & Irene Lo left a message on September 27, 2020:
Dear Auntie Cecilia & Family, We are saddened by the passing of Uncle Wan, but we are comforted to know that he is now resting peacefully with the Lord. I reflect upon the many happy memories I have of uncle Wan: family reunions and vacations together, playing ping-pong with uncle, uncle's delicious Thanksgiving dinners and fun Christmas gatherings, attending my college graduation and wedding, I have been so blessed to have uncle Wan in my life. I would like to share a scripture from 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 "Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight, we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord." May the Lord give you comfort and strength. We will always remember and cherish uncle Wan in our hearts. Love, Peter & Irene
Yaolin Zhou left a message on September 27, 2020:
This is a beautiful obituary. Dr. Lo will be greatly missed by his patients, friends, and devoted family. May the Lord bring you comfort and peace during this time.
杜天心牧師/楊若男師母 left a message on September 27, 2020:
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Edward Lo left a message on September 27, 2020:
感謝天父!極大寶貴的應許:"在 主裏面而死的人有福了。聖靈説,.是的。他們息了自己的勞苦,作工的果效 也隨着他們"啟示錄14:13 但願賜恩典慈愛丶憐憫安慰的 神保守我們直到那日。 三哥:沒有經過病痛的折磨,安息主懷。等候 神的號筒吹響,在基督裡有榮耀的復活,那時我們在天家再相見! 弟 萬雄、詠霞
Sunset View Mortuary left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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