Stella Isao Kimura, beloved mother and grandmother passed away peacefully at home on May 19, 2012 at the age of 96. She was born in Sebastopol, CA to Ichitaro and Yumi Shigematsu. She was educated in Japan with her sister Rose and returned to California in 1931. Stella is survived by her daughters Karen (Norman) Hanami, Elizabeth, and Nancy (Marc Birnbaum); grandchildren Matthew, Nicolas and Mara. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas T. Kimura, sisters Rose Midori Furuzawa and Esther Kaoru Mukaida. Stella will be remembered as a consummate seamstress and accomplished in crocheting, knitting and embroidery. In her later years, she was an active participant at Alzheimer’s Services of the East Bay in Berkeley. There she would produce works of art that were always included at the annual ASEB “Art from the Heart” benefit.