Leo Matsuda-Morris, beloved brother of Meia and Nina, son of Martin Morris and Hisae Matsuda and stepson of Ramana Erickson, darling grandson of Olwen and David Morris and Hisao and Yoshi Matsuda, passed on into the infinity of space on November 9, 2016. He was born on the last day of the zodiacal Leo, August 22, 1991, in London, England. A proud resident of Richmond, California, for ten years, Leo had previously lived in London and Chalfont St. Giles, England; Sapporo and Tokyo, Japan; Amritapuri, India; and Cupertino and Albany, California. A truly global citizen, Leo is remembered by family and friends all over the world.
Leo’s Funeral & Celebration of Life
Sunset View Cemetery, 101 Colusa Avenue, El Cerrito 94530
(at the junction of Fairmount and Colusa Avenues)
Saturday 19th November, 2016
Order of Events
Leo will be lying at rest in the Jade Room.
Friends & Family are invited to come to see him.
There will be a slide show and some music in the Chapel.
A bell will sound: Everyone is invited to assemble in the Chapel where a “service” will be held.
We will carry Leo’s body in.
Family & Friends will speak
Encore Choir (from Nina’s school OSA): songs
Eulogies: please let us know if you would like to say something, or have something said for you.
(Please contact Ramana Wade to arrange this, preferably before, but on the day if necessary)
There will be a period of Quietness where people may reflect & if so moved, say something.
The ceremony will conclude with the scattering of petals over Leo: everyone is invited to take part in this.
5pm-6pm (approx.)
After the scattering of petals, we will carry Leo back to the Jade Room where you are free to come.
The Chapel will also remain open to all, & various music will be playing.
Please come in any clothes you feel comfortable in for this occasion.
The cremation will take place Monday 21st November, 2016 at 10am