
Bret Stephen Lyon

August 19, 1943 - January 30, 2025
Sunset View Mortuary
Sunday 2/2, 2:00 pm

An obituary is not available at this time for Bret Stephen Lyon. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Tribute Wall. To send flowers or plant a tree in memory of Bret Stephen Lyon, visit the Tribute Store.

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Tree 17 trees were planted in memory of Bret Lyon
Helene left a message on February 2, 2025:
Bret was my older cousin. He shared his love and learning with his adoring family and friends, especially his loving wife and partner, Sheila Rubin.
King Hwa Lang left a message on February 2, 2025:
In loving memory of Bret Lyon, an incredible healer and human being, whose legacy live on eternally.
Sarah Liebman, with love left a message on February 1, 2025:
Dearest Sheila, Bret legacy is infinite.
John O' Donoghue left a message on February 4, 2025:
Sheila, My deepest sympathy & condolences to you on the passing of Bret may he rest in peace.
Susan Forster left a message on February 3, 2025:
To a magical, powerful, healing, and inspiration provider!!!! Sheila, I am here for you!! Meet in Montclair when you can. Lots of Love, Susan Forster
A memorial tree was planted in memory of Bret Lyon . Plant a Tree
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
A.J. Bond left a message on February 3, 2025:
Bret, thank you for your wisdom, wit, and passion. Your teaching was integral to my own learning and healing journey, as I know it was for so many others, and it was always a pleasure and an inspiration to see you in action as an educator and as a healer. Sending love to Sheila, to Bret’s friends and family, and to everyone in the healing shame community ❤️
Aine Campbell left a message on February 3, 2025:
Dear Sheila, I was so very sorry to hear from you that Bret was nearing the end of his life. then further shocked to hear that he had passed away so quickly. So very sad for you to loose your precious, greatly loved partner, husband and friend. I never met Bret in person or live online, but as a participant in recorded workshops. However I had a strong impression of a lovely, warm, caring presence. Together you shone a light on shame, bringing to so many a new understanding of the impact in our lives and how to work with it to develop our human potential. May you be comforted in your loss by memories of happy days and all you achieved professionally together. Truely a life well lived!
Anonymous left a message on February 2, 2025:
My condolences dear Sheila. May you find love and support at every turn and may Brets legacy live on.Best wishes,Joann
A memorial tree was planted in memory of Bret Lyon . Plant a Tree
Cousin Bob left a message on February 2, 2025:
Sheila, my deepest sympathies, my heart goes out to you. I understand how great of a loss this is for you.
Beautiful in Blue was purchased for the family of Bret Lyon by Cousin Bob. Send Flowers
A tree was also planted in memory of Bret Lyon
Stacy Golding left a message on February 2, 2025:
Sheila- Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs. Warmly- Stacy Golding
Darek Lukawski left a message on February 2, 2025:
Bret has been a Miles Davis of psychotherapy and much more to a huge international community. I will miss you a lot.
Kalle Lindqvist left a message on February 2, 2025:
Dear Bret. From the other side of the Atlantic Ocean I’m sending you love and gratitude for everything you have taught me. You fought with your health issues until the very end. An idea struck me this morning that you could finally let go, trusting that we, your students, will continue spreading the understanding of shame. Thank you Bret. Rest in peace.
Helene left a message on February 2, 2025:
Bret was my much older cousin who was a huge presence in my life. First, he paid attention and was lots of fun, coming with his then girlfriend, Joyce, to take my brother, David, and me sledding when I was a kid. He gave me a play to read by George Bernard Shaw, “Arms and the Man,” way ahead of when school would have done so. He loved to study. Bret was safe for me. He played the guitar and sang meaningful songs by The KIngston Trio, Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and The Weavers. He sang, “Hang down your head, Tom Dooley,” and “Charlie on the MTA,” about the Boston Metro workers.
Helene left a message on February 2, 2025:
Bret meant so much to me as my older cousin. He shared his love of literature, birds, photography, and helping people. Healing shame and social justice were two of his greatest passions. I will always remember his love for Sheila and for his Aunt Daisy, my mom.
Quynh Tran left a message on February 2, 2025:
Dear Sheila, My deepest condolences to you and the family. I'm forever grateful to have found you and Bret through his healing shame articles and his memories will continue to live on through his teachings with me. May you be surrounded by love and grace during this tender time and I will hold you and Bret in my thoughts and prayers. My condolences, Quynh
Maria Schreiber left a message on February 2, 2025:
I would like to extend my sincerest condolences for your loss. Please know that I am here to offer my support and during this difficult time.
A memorial tree was planted in memory of Bret Lyon . Plant a Tree
Marija Bozhinovska left a message on February 2, 2025:
I am so deeply sorry to hear about Bret's passing. Though I only met him at the workshop in December, he left a lasting impression. In his presence, I felt truly appreciated and included, and I am so grateful to have met him. He was inspiring, and I will carry his spirit and the qualities he embodied with me. My heart goes out to you in this difficult time.
Prema Mckeever left a message on February 2, 2025:
Bret was a remarkable and heartfelt healer and teacher. I loved learning from him and Sheila and will always be inspired by Bret's passion and tenacity. Myself and countless others have better lives because of what Sheila and Bret created and shared with the world. Their work has touched the hearts and souls of so many, and Bret’s legacy will continue to ripple through the lives of everyone he helped heal and inspire. His wisdom, generosity, humor, and deep care for others will forever be cherished and remembered. Sheila, I am so sorry for your loss, and my heart goes out to you during this difficult time. May his memory be a source of strength and comfort to you in the days ahead.
James Parrin left a message on February 2, 2025:
Dear wonderful Sheila. My mind and heart are with you. Bret’s beauty, strength and presence lives on in my heart and all that he has taught me and others I now touch. He was a great teacher and being. Please know your grieving heart is held in mind upon these Irish shores. Much love James
Erin Martin left a message on February 2, 2025:
Dearest Sheila, I am extremely sorry for the loss of your soulmate Bret. I will always remember him very, very fondly. I learned so very much from the both of you. I treasure the time I spent training with CFHS; it profoundly enriched my life professionally and personally. I most greatly appreciated Bret’s humor & passion for working with shame and helping others to escape shame’s confines in order to live freely as they were born to do. Please know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. Sending you much love. Love, Erin (Erin Martin)
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Lauren Cormier left a message on February 2, 2025:
Dear Sheila, My chest is heavy with shock and sadness, and my heart aches for your loss, especially having witnessed the beautiful connection you & Bret have. My perception during workshops was always that you two had something rare and very special!  Thank you for inviting those of us in your & Bret’s broader sphere to honor him during such a tender time.  I have been following your teachings for around a decade, and it has transformed how I work with my clients (and myself) and how often I break taboo by talking about shame — in and out of sessions. I know that Bret has touched countless lives through this ripple effect that healing shame creates. You have both given us so much. I’m deeply touched 💖💖💖 May you find comfort in your loved ones and the empathy of others during this time of grief.  
Ian Gartshore left a message on February 2, 2025:
Sheila, I am honoured and blessed to have been able to learn from both of you, with your unique gifts and ways of being. Bret's passion to teach, to impart the wisdom you two have gleaned and sometimes struggled with, was very clear. Yes, even insistent! I loved his passion, his clear thinking, his single-minded focus on passing on his legacy to his students. I also love his adoration of you, his deep appreciation for the very fine skills you possess and his humility (not something he would normally have, I suspect) about not having it all. He relied on you to fill in his gaps. I call that both wise and gracious. I also learned a lot by watching how you two interacted, a unique dance that, while sometimes a bit clumsy, was actually very beautiful and meaningful when you got going. May his smile, intelligence, wisdom, passion and more remain with all of us.
Vicki Hellenas left a message on February 1, 2025:
Sheila, I am so sorry for your loss. Bret was a beautiful man who was a natural in creating beautiful, nurturing environments for our Shame community. His well chosen words, warmth, and mentorship will live on in so many of us. I feel so fortunate to have found Healing Shame through our mutual friend Dolores. Please know I am thinking of you with great admiration and respect in the days ahead. More to come later. hugs to you, Vicki
Geoff Steurer left a message on February 1, 2025:
Bret taught me in word and example about how to be more fully human with my flaws and all. I attended two of his in-person trainings he did with Sheila in Berkeley 10+ years ago. I've been to countless trainings and workshops in my 25 years as a therapist, but those weekends with them were unforgettable. Bret is a blessing in my life and I'm deeply sorry for your loss, Sheila. Thank you both for honoring your call to heal so many.
Sunset View Mortuary left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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