You randomly crossed my mind today and I couldn't help but smile. For whatever reason, I searched for your obituary, came across it here and read your messages. You've had such a great impact on everyone you came across and I miss you tremendously.
6 years later and you're still in my thoughts and that will never change...
I was thinking about you today Aakansha. You cross my mind a lot. Rest in Peace beautiful.
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
I spent a great few days with AK on her spontaneous trip to Tokyo. It was the best start and I'm so grateful for her being there. She's the best person I met that year and I'll remember her always. She has a beautiful soul and will be remembered eternally :heart:
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Aakanksha was a bright and brilliant light in this world. We are devastated by her death and are so sorry for her parents and family. I had the blessing of working with Aakanksha as her career advisor and I enjoyed every session we had together. The world will miss her presence. Please know the family here at Saint Mary's College Business School is sending their love and deepest regrets.
Sherry Platt
Aakanksha was a kind, vibrant soul. She and I were only friends for a moment, and we certainly haven't kept in touch - but she made an impression on me, and it was with shock and great sadness that I learned of her death yesterday.
I was Aakanksha's date to prom junior year of high school : we were friendly acquaintances, she was very pretty, and we both wanted to go. I don't remember prom itself really well - I remember we were on a boat in the San Francisco Bay, and that it all felt a little surreal - but other than that, the event itself was banal.
Making our way to prom, however, was a ton of fun. We had pooled together with friends to rent a big white stretch Escalade : we listened to music, danced, laughed. We were young, overdressed, and the whole thing felt like a dream.
Aakanksha, my friend Jorge, his date Laurel and I went to Jorge's after prom, where we bounced on the trampoline in the dark, still elated from this night that was so important ; this night that was so essential to the American high school experience. We stayed up late drinking cheap champagne, wearing sequins and bow ties, giggling and bouncing. It felt so light, so harmlessly naughty.
If that night is my most vivid memory of Aakanksha, it's because it so perfectly represents who I remember her to be. She was bubbly, playful, overconfident and a bit naive. Her soul was vibrant, and I trusted her in a way I trusted few people to both live joyfully and take good care of herself and her family : a combination less common than one might think.
Aakanksha was vibrant. And she always will be, in that memory I hold of her. It's nothing short of a tragedy to lose someone so young and so full of life, and my heart is heavy with compassion for her parents as they survive the loss of their daughter.
I was Aakanksha's Professor in her first accounting class (GMAN 302) at Saint Mary's College in the autumn quarter 2013. This was also my first quarter at Saint Mary's as I just moved from Texas. There she was in class, about a half hour early with a bright smile, as I walked into the class to make sure everything was working fine before my first class.
She was bright, energetic, warm, and friendly. She never missed a class and always went the extra mile in completing her assignments. Needless to say, she was a stellar student in the class.
We still have a photo of her smiling face adorning the corridors of the graduate business offices in the Rheem campus.
She has now gone to reside in a beautiful place with the celestial beings! I am sure she is making sure that heaven is now a better place with her presence and warmth.
You will always remain in my memories, Aakanksha!!!
Dr. V
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
I will always remember Aakanksha's wonderful personality and the her lovely saris she would wear on Fridays. RIP AK, you will be missed but never forgotten.
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Lit a candle in memory of Aakanksha Arora
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.