Yun Xian Liu was born in Toisan, China. She was the second child of five children of Wing Chok Lau and Yuet May Choi. She married Tu Cao Li in 1973. Together they raised three children: Amy, Wendy and Wen. Wanting a better life for their children, she and her family immigrated to San FranciscoContinue Reading
Yun Xian Liu was born in Toisan, China. She was the second child of five children of Wing Chok Lau and Yuet May Choi. She married Tu Cao Li in 1973. Together they raised three children: Amy, Wendy and Wen. Wanting a better life for their children, she and her family immigrated to San Francisco in 1982 and lived in the North Beach neighborhood. After many years of hard work and sacrifice, Yun and Tu bought a home in Richmond and settled there in 1989.
Yun Xian Liu was hardworking and always strove to provide more for her family. Even with her limited English, she worked over 10 years at Winterland Productions and 15 years at Oaks Card Club. In November 2014, while she was vacationing in China, she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, a progressive brain tumor. While recovering at home, she remained optimistic and continued to enjoy life to the fullest.
Yun Xian Liu was independent and loved travelling. She was game to try new foods or venture to new places. She was social and always enjoyed having guests at her home. She was an amazing cook and showed her love through the food she prepared for her family. She always asked, “Did you eat?” or “Are you hungry?” and if you were, she would always have a pot of soup ready.
She loved to garden and was so proud of her green beans, snow peas, sugar peas, sweet potato vines and much more. She shared them with everyone. When she brought back special foods from China, she gave them freely to family and friends. She was generous with everything.
Every stitch she sewed and every dish she prepared, was her way of showing her family and friends love and affection. Yun Xian Liu will be remembered for her love, her hard work and her delicious meals. She was humble and always content with what she had.
She passed on her strong work ethic, generosity and strong sense of family bonds to her children. All three of her children are married and have families of their own. Amy married Duane Leong and they have two children, Namiko and Terumi. Wendy married Kiet Nguyen and they have four children, Van, Aden, Adelin and Athan. Wen married Vivian Lam and they have one child, Owen Li.
Yun Xian Liu loved her husband, children and grandchildren dearly. Though she will be sadly missed, they will always have her love and memories in their hearts.
劉 雲 仙 女 士
生 於 一 九 五 一 年 十 一 月 二 十 號
終 於 二 零 一 六 年 四 月 二 號
劉 雲 仙 女 士 出 生 於 中 國 台 山 , 父 親 劉 榮 濯 和 母 親 蔡 月 美 有 五 個 兒 女 而 雲 仙 排 行 第 二 。 在 一 九 七 三 年 與 李 鉅 操 先 生 結 婚 , 有 三 個 兒 女 , 長 女 婉 儀 , 次 女 婉 琴 和 幼 子 文 峰 。 在 一 九 八 二 年 全 家 移 民 到 三 藩 市 後 住 在 北 岸 塸, 兩 夫 婦 經 過 多 年 辛 勤 工 作 終 於 一 九 八 九 年 在 東 灣 Richmond 市 買 了 房 屋 可 以 安 居 樂 業。
雲 仙 女 士 是 個 勤 力 工 作 和 好 客 的 人,雖 然 有 限 的 英 文 但 能 夠 在 Winterland Productions 工 作 十 年 之 久,後 來 轉 到 Oaks Card Club 工 作 長 達 十 五 年。在二0 一 四 年 十 一 月, 在 中 國 旅 遊 時 發 現 腦 有 腫 瘤, 馬 上 回 美 接 受 治 療,常 抱 著 積 極 和 正 面 的 心 態 去 過 每 一 天。
雲 仙 女 士 喜 愛 研 究 美 食 和 旅 遊 , 每 星 期 必 定 準 備 許 多 好 吃 的 餸 菜 給 家 人 享 用 , 更 喜 愛 種 花 和 各 樣 蔬 菜 與 朋 友 分 享 , 她 是 個 十 分 康 慨 的 人 , 她 所 做 的 每 碟 餸 菜 都 能 代 表 愛 和 關 心 , 她 的 謙 卑 和 滿 足 感 會 流 傳 給 兒 孫。
雲 仙 女 士 的 三 個 兒 女 都 已 成 家 立 室;
長 女 婉 儀 和 女 婿 Duane Leong, 有 兩 個 外 孫 女 Namiko 和 Terumi
次 女 婉 琴 和 女 婿 Kiet Nguyen 有 四 個 外 孫,Van, Aden, Adelin, Athan
幼 子 文 峰 和 媳 婦 Vivian Lam 有 一 個 內 孫 Owen .
劉 雲 仙 女 士 雖 然 離 世 ,但 她 的 關 愛 會 永 遠 留 在 我 們 心 中,
永 遠 懷 念 她 的!
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