Robert James Prowse died peacefully at home on Wednesday afternoon, May 24, 2017, while sitting in his chair next to Beverly, his wife of 71 years. Together, they were enjoying the view of their garden.
Robert was born in Minnesota on July 13, 1924 to Arthur and Keturah Prowse. As an infant he moved to Southern California with his family. In 1942, immediately after high school, Bob joined the Navy. He served for six years in the Pacific on the battleship USS Pennsylvania. It was during this time that Bob met Beverly in Oakland, California. They were married on November 11, 1945. Upon his honorable discharge from the Navy in 1948, Bob apprenticed in the printing industry. In 1954 he bought his first printing and bindery shop, which eventually became Consolidated Printers, Inc. in Berkeley, CA. Bob was a respected and successful business owner who was especially dedicated to mentoring young people. Also in 1954, Bob and Beverly purchased their beloved house in Kensington, CA. Their daughter Elise was born in 1956. In the early years, Bob loved working on his home; he enjoyed laying brick, building walkways, and gardening. Bob and Beverly eventually purchased a second home in Lake Tahoe, which became a home away from home for family and friends. Bob retired in 1992, and he and Beverly treasured time at Lake Tahoe and Kensington. Bob and Beverly traveled the world in their life together and even visited Elise in Africa while she was in Botswana studying baboons.
Bob had many passions in life. He was proud of his time in the Navy, and enjoyed sharing stories about his service. Working with his hands gave him great pleasure, whether at the bindery, at home, or helping others with repairs. He adored his dogs, and his love for animals was far reaching. At home or in Tahoe, animals in the wild sensed his presence, and eagerly awaited the food he would offer them. He was a good friend to many, and loved to make people laugh with his wicked sense of humor. He was also known for his generosity. Whether always picking up the tab at dinner, helping a young person with college tuition or starting a career, or supporting his favorite charities, he never expected anything in return. A lifelong adventurist, Bob and Elise learned to fly single engine airplanes together and his final wish was that his ashes be scattered from an airplane over Lake Tahoe.
Robert Prowse is survived by his wife Beverly, and his daughter Elise. Beverly and Elise wish to express gratitude to Bob’s devoted caregivers Luz Rabun and Simon Bouadana, who brought him great comfort over the past two years.
Expressions of sympathy may be made to the organizations below that Bob supported or to the organization of your choice.
Alaska Raptor Center, 1000 Raptor Way, Sitka, AK 99835
Berkeley Humane Society, 2700 Ninth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
Pet Network Humane Society, 401 Village Boulevard, Incline Village, NV 89451
Robert James Prowse died peacefully at home on Wednesday afternoon, May 24, 2017, while sitting in his chair next to Beverly, his wife of 71 years. Together, they were enjoying the view of their garden. Robert was born in Minnesota on July 13, 1924 to Arthur and Keturah Prowse. As an infant he moved toContinue Reading