An obituary is not available at this time for Marcus Sanders Topel. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Tribute Wall. To plant a tree in memory of Marcus Sanders Topel, visit the Tribute Store.
left a message on December 30, 2022:
I was sorry to just hear of Marks untimely death. Here is my clearest memory which I have shared with Mark: As a federal probation officer writing pre-sentence investigations, we were frequently in contact. Unlike some Defenders, he did not to charm us into seeing a defendant from his perspective. Rather, he shared the facts, pure and simple. We, as a group, I believe were far closer to other Defenders, however, the one thing we always seemed to have in common, was the agreement that if any of use ever got in trouble, he was the only attorney we would choose. He was brilliant!
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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